Hello Members,
Five SoPYC Flying Fifteens recently represented us at their World Championships in Ireland. The members did us proud racking up some very good results. At the event there was a ‘Sausage Sizzle and Aussie Wine and Beer’ event to launch and promote the next World Championships in February 2021 in Fremantle. Of course an event of this magnitude depends hugely on volunteers, and as SoPYC has a strong Flying Fifteen fleet we are hoping the SoPYC members will get behind the event and help out where they can.
The event website is www.flying15worlds2021.com and it contains a couple of short videos which are quite cool and worth a visit.
An event flyer can be found at https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/dfb637_e166b7e0262b43668c1e1116010f07ab.pdf
If you are interested in the event or in helping out in some way you can register for updates at https://www.revolutionise.com.au/rfbyc/events/46632/
Carl Pettersson
Rear Commodore Centreboards