This form is to be completed before making a booking with the Bosuns. Please complete all details before contacting the Club Bosun about your booking.
Using the image below, please advise us of your length overall, beam and draft
1. All vessel owners and contractors entering the hardstand must abide by SoPYC’s Boat Maintenance Procedures. Failure to do so may result in work being stopped by authorised SoPYC staff. 2. All contractors doing work on the vessel must hold a current SoPYC Contractors Licence before conducting maintenance/repairs on SoPYC premises. Unlicensed contractors will be asked to leave the premises. 3. Mechanical sanding, spray painting, welding, grinding and dirty work must be discussed with the slip operator prior to commencement and confined to the designated work area. Appropriate equipment including screens, tarps and drop sheets are to be used. 4. At all times power tools used for sanding/grinding/cutting must have suction (vacuum) hoses and collector for the surface materials be removed from the vessel. 5. If suction hoses are not available only wet sanding/grinding/cutting tools may be used. Failure to comply will result in the breach being notified to Management and may result in a ban from the hardstand facilities. 6. Surface blasting and spray painting must be pre-approved in writing by SoPYC two working days prior to the proposed task being commenced. Approval will be subject to weather conditions on the day. 7. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to be worn in the slip yard including hi-vis garments, closed shoes, gloves, masks and safety glasses and no audio headphones to be worn. Wearing applicable sound minimising equipment is recommended but should be removed when moving away from the vessel as moving machinery is operated on the yard. 8. All lifting, moving, blocking and standing will be undertaken by SoPYC staff only. 9. Blocks, props and cradle arms are not to be moved or repositioned by anyone other than SoPYC staff and breaches will be reported to Management and may result in a ban from the yard facilities. 10. Water blasting from the water/antifoul line down will be completed by SoPYC staff only. Personal gurneys or water blasters may be used for wash downs above the waterline. All vessels must be screened off to prevent overspray settling on adjacent boats, work areas, pens or carpark. 11. Scaffolding to be used when working above 1.8m and appropriate harness to be worn. 12. Ladders are not to be used as a working platform. 13. Work is not to be performed above gunnel or super structure without a working harness. 14. Maintain a 5m clearance from any moving plant or machinery. 15. Children under the age of 12 are not permitted, and children over 12 are to be supervised by an adult, while in the slip yard. 16. Skateboards, bikes, ball games or playing is strictly prohibited. 17. Animals are not permitted in the slip yard. 18. No smoking is allowed in the slip yard. 19. Electrical tools are to be in good working order and to be tagged, tested and current. 20. Work may be performed between 7am and 6pm daily. 21. Service bay must be left clean and failure to comply will incur an hourly cleaning fee. 22. Staying on the vessel overnight is strictly forbidden. 23. No person shall board a vessel while the vessel is in the slings until permission is granted by the lift operator. 24. Vehicle access to the hardstand is restricted to those who have been given permission by a SoPYC staff member. 25. Water is recycled and not suitable to drink. Remember to minimise water usage where possible. 26. You, or your delegated representative, must be present for the lift in and out of your vessel. If you are not in attendance and an alternate arrangement has not been made in advance with the Bosun, vessel will not be lifted and additional charges may be incurred.
When in doubt, please direct your questions to the Club Bosuns or the General Manager. You can also refer to the SoPYC Preferred Procedures Manual for comprehensive maintenance recommendations while on the hardstand.