What a fabulous spring day to celebrate the first of our new Spring Season Cruising Events last Sunday 12th September, with lunching at the East Fremantle Yacht Club. On a perfect day for using our vessels, 7 boats with many of us on board each one, cruised down to their club while others drove there. The Captain of the Power Section welcomed us warmly and showed us onto the terrace which had a wonderful, commanding view of up and down the river.
48 of us sat down to a tasty lunch accompanied by the odd glass of wine or beer and of course the wonderful banter and enjoyment of friends! It was great to see the regulars and many “new” faces.
A big thank you goes to our Cruising Captain Dave Ewart for doing a terrific job of organising this very successful luncheon and to our seven “chauffeurs” for transporting us across to EFYC. We would also like to acknowledge the wonderful and warm hospitality of the EFYC Power section for hosting us so well and providing mooring spaces for our boats.
This is what the Cruising Section is all about; bringing our members together to enjoy wonderful days or weekends together at different events which build relationships, comradery and keep our club strong.
Don’t forget to read “Coffee Pointers” for our next great Cruising Section event.
The Cruisy Scribe :)