For 2023, we implemented a revised format for various reasons while upholding the focus on preparing sailors for upcoming regattas in 2023/24. Regular volunteers and the OWG office took a break, except for racing , leaving the event to be managed by the Coaching Staff, GSC committee, and Centerboard committee and parent volunteers—my sincere thanks to everyone involved. Our community, always ready to lend a hand, played a crucial role.
The week kicked off with Optimists and OpenSkiffs joining Club Training on Tuesday. Thursday and Friday marked the beginning of a 4-day training block for youth in the 29er class and Slalom Racing for Windsurfer LT, with enthusiastic participation from a few Wingfoilers. We also had a topic night presentation from WAIS Head Coach Matt Jerwood on Simplified Wind Strategy.
Saturday featured training blocks in the morning with light winds and a stronger wind session in the late afternoon. Additionally, we hosted the RS Quest knockout event in the middle of the day, forming teams comprising 29er, Optimist, and Open Skiff sailors. It provided a fantastic opportunity to sail beyond comfort zones and connect with sailors from other clubs and classes.
Sunday morning offered an excellent training session in a building breeze, allowing training across a broad wind range.
In the afternoon, we had a challenging sea breeze to allow an opportunity to consolidate the training in a racing environment.
A heartfelt appreciation goes out to our Alpha and Bravo Race teams for their flexibility, enabling us to maximize the efficiency of our racing sessions. The swift setup of gate marks, minimizing wait times, and executing multiple rapid turn-around races at SoPYC is truly impressive.
The day concluded with a BBQ, music, ice creams, and presentations—an enjoyable way to wrap up the event.
Report by Head Coach – Denis Jones
Photos by Kraken Images and Denis Jones
Drone Filming by Jim Henry