Continuing the Starting Theme from the last couple of weeks, here are a couple of points for you to think about.
Plan – Everyone has (or should have) a basic prestart plan. This really starts very early before the race when you are checking the course and line.
A basic plan would include:
- Decide on a strategy for the day
Course Bias – Is one side or a specific upwind path obviously favoured
Lifted Tack – Emphasis on wind shifts (and therefore ability to tack on them)
Early Pressure – When wind speed is not uniform across the course and you need to be in the highest percentage of gusts.
Random – Ability to tack is important here
VMG – Speed track
Tactical – In very short races protecting the starboard tack can be most critical - Determine which way you want to go early so you can plan where to start
- Check your line bias/transits
- Around 2 minutes – Make sure you are establishing your position
- From 1min 30 to last 30 seconds control your position or acquire a plan B option.
- For 30 seconds to 15 seconds control very aggressively to hold your position
- The last 5-15 seconds (depending on your boat) should be reserved only for acceleration.
Can you dial down to accelerate?
Do you have the skills and set up to accelerate when only close-hauled.
After the start, whilst concentrating very hard on sailing a fast VMG, check you are going the right way and quickly update your strategy.
Spending time on the acceleration in your practice is extremely important. It is funny but even in fast boats most races are won and lost at this point when the boats are traveling at their slowest. So slow boat skills are very important.
Training Updates
For the rest of June (and next season) we have also added two additional groups to the training.
- A girls-only squad for Bronze Fleet and up Opti, Pelican, and transitioning sailors, lead by female coaches. This is a great opportunity to help our female sailors along in their sailing journey. They are able to use Club boats to upskill in various craft in a friendly and supportive environment.

2. We are also running a Windsurf Cross Training session for our Opti Gold and Pelican sailors on Friday afternoon. This is a fun way to inject a whole lot of feel and skill with friends.

The sailors are learning really fast and after three sessions are starting to find their feet.