Eight of our South of Perth sailors have been attending the annual Westsail coaching clinic at Hillary’s Yacht Club for the last 4 days. Westsail is a training camp that has been running in WA for over 40 years. Normally at Rockingham but for the first time at Hillary’s which has provided some variable and challenging conditions.
There were 64 sailors across seven fleets participating. Next year the event will go back to a residential camp where sailors will actually stay overnight and get to experience the full comradery aspects that we all loved about Westsail. It would be great to see more South of Perth sailors support this event next year.
Doing a block of time of sailing with friends is a great way to be ready for the rest of the summer season. In general, I would say sailing once a week you generally maintain habits without any large improvements. Sailing twice you will make gains. Before a regatta, I often recommend to try and get 30 days of almost continuous sailing to be really ready for an event. This is a fairly proven “time on water” concept.
But remember the time needs to be quality. Practicing bad habits doesn’t count.
After Westsail our sailors will compete in the WA Youth Championships which is the first “Ranking” event in WA for our Youth Sailors. The Youths have attracted 80 boats to compete across 9 classes.
Event webpage
Hope everyone is looking forward to the Season Opener this weekend. The smaller boats (Optimists and Pelicans) will be on their own course this summer and combining training with racing.
We ran a trial of this concept last year and believe it helps:
- Provide shorter but more focused days for sailors and families
- Better Parent/ Volunteer support (Yes we need you involved to make this work)
- Better quality racing with fewer fleets competing for the same water space.
See you on the weekend.