It is time for all time triallers to recalibrate your timepieces, read up on the latest rules, make sure that you are using this year’s courses from Sportspage (they are not exactly the same as last year’s!!) and fix the competition numbers back on the boat.
While you are thinking about that, you might also consider nominating for the season. It is very simple, but a word of advice – before you begin, have your boat’s rego number, safety compliance number, insurance policy number and expiry date, membership number and Australian Sailing number for you and your navigator (and yes, you DO have one!). If you do not know what it is, go to the Australian Sailing website and follow the prompts – it’s easy.
If all else fails, give our Power Yacht Administrator a call (0412 532 211) and he will be happy to talk you through it (truly!).
Some of our braver and more active rag and string exponents might also like to nominate for the DARK SIDE trophy (donated by David Barton) – a time trial for yachts on Opening Day.
Some poweries have already decided on their theme for dressing the boat for Opening Day. There have been some classic themes in recent years (remember the boys in their nappies?) so let’s see if any of this year’s boat decorations can exceed those high expectations.
See you on the first of May – and please – don’t forget to get your nomination in!
Bernie Kaaks