Just about to run our last training session for Winter before taking a break in July and restarting when the weather starts to get warmer and days longer in August.
Today’s forecast is cold and windy and we will be working on safely experiencing the elements.
It was great to see a couple of our younger sailors take on the storm in a very safe way last Sunday morning.
The process was taking out appropriate boats ( The Open Skiffs) that can be easily recovered from a capsize. The progression then was
- Watching coaches sail
- Sailing two up
- Sailing by themselves
- Practicing apparent wind sailing
- Taking in home
Well done Zac and Flynn.
The Applecross Cup Round 1 was canceled on Sunday. Just remember when racing is canceled, the Race Officer and Regatta Committee have a number of factors to consider to keep everyone safe and a good level of enjoyment for competitors and volunteers. If some sailors are prepared and ready to go sailing, there is nothing stopping getting out for an experience.
But make sure you are confident in your boat setup, fitness, and skill level. Plus have a backup plan such as making sure somebody onshore like a family member is tracking your session.
The Windsurfers had a good afternoon managing themselves.
Looking forward to longer days.